
Emergency Contact

If you require emergency assistance whilst in the Wheatbelt Way please ring 000. There are two hospitals located at Kununoppin and Wyalkatchem with 24/7 Emergency Departments.

  • Kununoppin Hospital: 9683 0222
  • Wyalkatchem Hospital: 9681 1000

If you require Police assistance please ring one of the local Police Stations:

  • Bencubbin Police: 9685 0200
  • Koorda Police: 9684 2444
  • Mukinbudin Police: 9047 2200
  • Wyalkatchem Police: 9681 1333

The phone will (on most occasions) divert to Northam Police Station if the local Police are not available. Please leave a message with the staff and they will either contact the local police by phone or email depending on the seriousness and urgency of the matter. If you want Police attendance for a matter that is not urgent please ring 131 444. An officer will answer the call, assess the seriousness of the issue and if required send police to the incident.


Stay informed while you drive the Wheatbelt Way trail